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The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) is co-funded by the Irish Government, through the Department of Rural and Community Development, and the European Social Fund Plus under the Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training (EIST) Programme 2021 -2027.WAP Partners & Funding

Waterford Area Partnership was established in November 1995.

It is one of 49 Local Development Companies operating throughout Ireland. Local Development Companies (LDCs) are governed by partnerships between the state and community & voluntary sector with a mission to deliver programmes and services that meet the needs of local communities and improve the quality of life for our citizens.

Our programmes and services cover areas such as; rural development & community development, addressing food poverty, employment training & access, education & personal development opportunities, start your own business / social enterprise and climate action.

Waterford Area Partnership is a not-for-profit, volunteer-led organisation that takes a bottom up approach to the development of local services and programmes and welcomes engagement from all groups and individuals who align with our values of equality, diversity and inclusion.

Want to know more about what we can do for you or your community? Contact us at

Waterford Area Partnership Annual Accounts 2023 WAP Annual Accounts 2023



Waterford Area Partnership is funded through Waterford  Council to deliver the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) in Waterford City and County.

SICAP 2024-2028 provides funding to increase social inclusion* at a local level. It is a targeted, holistic programme, for those who experience discrimination and exclusion, and are less likely to access mainstream services. It provides supports directly to people and communities,  and links them into existing services.

The SICAP programme focuses supports to Local Community Groups, Community Networks and Community Based Social Enterprises that builds their capacity to deliver local services and provides lifelong learning, employability, enterprise and personal development supports to individuals.  The programme aims to  ensure that people receive quality, tailored supports, while also allowing flexibility to adapt actions to local need. Visit to see a list of people who are proritised for SICAP supports.

In Waterford WAP/SICAP also builds partnerships with individuals, community organisations, voluntary groups and public sector agencies to deliver collaborative programmes and projects that meet individual and community needs.

* The Roadmap for Social Inclusion defines social inclusion in the following way: “Social Inclusion is achieved when people have access to sufficient income, resources and services to enable them to play an active part in their communities and participate in activities that are considered the norm for people in society generally.” DRCD, Roadmap for Social Inclusion 2020 – 2025.

Administered by Pobal, SICAP 2024-2028 is co-funded by the Irish Government, through the Department of Rural and Community Development, and the European Social Fund Plus under the Employment, Inclusion, Skills, and Training (EIST) Programme 2021-2027.

Our Vision

A diverse and inclusive society that values everyone through promoting access, participation, equality and human rights.

Our Mission

We work in collaboration with others to empower communities
and individuals by implementing person-centred programmes and
activities that support social inclusion and equality.

Our Values

• Innovation
• Courage
• Collaboration
• Integrity
• Person-Centred

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